Lactation Services

  • Prenatal Consult

    Education prior to delivery helps better prepare you for the first days of learning to feed your baby. Think of this as your own personalized breastfeeding class. Flange fitting can also be done. Prenatal is offered in person or virtual.


    Insurance covered Office visit: FREE

    Insurance Covered Home visit: $50 Convenience fee (Within 20-mile radius of office)

    Self Pay office prenatal: $85

    Self Pay Home prenatal: $200 (Within 20-mile radius of office)

    Self Pay Virtual prenatal: $60

  • In Person Consult

    I can address all of your breastfeeding concerns and questions. Breast assessment and latch assessment can be done. A weighted feed can be done to determine efficient milk transfer if necessary. An individualized feeding plan is provided after learning your feeding goals and doing a thorough assessment.


    Insurance Covered Office visit: FREE

    Insurance Covered Home visit: $50 (within 20-mile radius of office)

    Self Pay Office: 1st visit $115 (additional follow up visits $60)

    Self Pay Home visit: $250 (within 20-mile radius of office)

  • Virtual Consult or Phone Consult

    Virtual consults and/or Phone consults make it convenient to follow up and answer any questions or concerns that may arise during your breastfeeding journey. Maybe you have a question or concern while in the hospital or late at night when feeding your baby. I’m here to help whenever possible.


    Insurance covered: FREE

    Self Pay Virtual: $60

    Phone Consult: $30 per 30 minutes

-All office, virtual, and home visits include 1 week of secure messaging for additional questions during normal business hours.

-A $25 cancellation fee will be charged if 24hr notice is not given prior to cancellation.

-Rescheduled consultations will not be charged.